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4 Quick Workout Routines For Busy Families

There are many obstacles that can get in the way of starting and sticking to a fitness plan. A busy schedule is one of the most common challenges listed by individuals when asked about what gets in the way of regular exercise. In fact, one study found that 48% of American adults are too busy with their jobs and other responsibilities to get any workouts in. 

Busy schedules are especially common among families. Luckily, being busy doesn’t mean you can never work out at all. It just means that you need to look for more creative ways to add exercise to your routine and make sure that it fits in with the rest of your schedule. Finding quick workout routines that get more done in less time is essential for busy families. 

This is MaxiClimber’s roundup of 4 great quick workout routines that will easily fit into your weekly calendar, even if it’s packed with work and family obligations. Discover why full-body at-home workouts with MaxiClimber are ideal for busy families, and find out some helpful tips for making the most of exercise when you don’t have much extra time to spare. 

Benefits of At-Home Exercise with MaxiClimberBenefits of At-Home Exercise with MaxiClimber

The first step in adding quick workout routines to your fitness plan is picking the right piece of exercise equipment to perform them with. That’s where MaxiClimber comes in. MaxiClimber is ideally suited for busy families, with features that help you make the most of every minute you have to dedicate to exercise, including:

  • At-Home Exercise — MaxiClimber is an at-home vertical climber machine, meaning that it lets you get in workouts from the comfort of your own home. This gives you unparalleled flexibility when scheduling your fitness sessions. If you want to squeeze in a quick workout routine early in the morning before anyone else wakes up or late at night after the kids are in bed, home workouts with MaxiClimber are always there for you when you need them.
  • Full-Body Workouts — When you’re looking at quick workout routines, one of your goals is probably to do the most in the least amount of time possible. MaxiClimber offers full-body workouts that are incredibly time-efficient to help you meet this goal. When you complete a full-body workout with MaxiClimber, you’ll exercise all of the major muscle groups in the body during a single fitness session. That means that you’ll be able to target your upper body, lower body, back and core all at the same time using just one machine in your home gym. It doesn’t get more efficient than that. 
  • Custom Routines — Actually finding the time to exercise isn’t the only difficult part about working out on a busy schedule. Coming up with effective exercise routines can also be time-consuming, especially when you’re searching for high-quality quick workout routines. Luckily, MaxiClimber has plenty of custom routines that you can choose from. You can browse from a selection of premade routines led by expert coaches in the MaxiClimber app and on our YouTube page. Use these routines as they are or as a jumping off point to inspire exercise sessions of your own creation. 

4 Quick Workout Routines

Once you’ve added MaxiClimber to your home gym, you can truly make the most of quick workout routines without leaving the house. All that’s left to do is select quick workout routines that work best for you. To help get you started, and to minimize the amount of time you have to spend searching for workout routines online, we’ve rounded up four easy ones to try out first. Here are 4 quick workout routines that are worth adding to your weekly schedule:

  • Tabata + Lower Body Sculpt” — This MaxiClimber workout is called “Tabata + Lower Body Sculpt”. It’s a 10 minute exercise session led by Coach Jessi. You’ll start off with a brief warmup before moving into alternating periods of long strides and short strides. You’ll finish with a cool down and are sure to feel the effects of this full-body workout once you step off your MaxiClimber machine.
  • Tabata + Full-Body” — This is MaxiClimber’s “Full-Body Tabata” workout, another exercise session that only requires 10 spare minutes to complete. To begin, Coach Adriana will take you through a 1-minute warm-up, followed by periods of moves on their own and in combination, including sprints, strides and climbing squats, finished with a brief cool down. 
  • Full-Body Blaster” — With this “Full-Body Blaster” session led by Coach Adriana, you’ll put all of the muscles in your body to the test in a truly effective quick workout routine. After a warm-up, you’ll go through movements like climbing squats, long strides, short strides and crunches. This is an intense workout that you can get done in just 20 minutes. 
  • Full-Body HIIT” — “Full-Body HIIT” is another 20-minute workout option where you’ll get to enjoy all of the benefits of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) exercise with Coach Jessi. You’ll warm-up and then perform moves like long strides, short strides and oblique crunches. HIIT exercise is a great way to get a lot done in a short time because it’s highly effective at meeting a wide range of fitness goals, including improving strength, boosting stamina, burning calories, increasing blood flow and building up muscle mass. 

Tips for Exercising With A Busy ScheduleTips for Exercising With A Busy Schedule

There’s a big difference between finding quick workout routines and actually performing them. No matter how quick or efficient a task is, it can still be challenging to find room for it when you have a busy schedule and are juggling tasks like packing lunches, picking up the kids from school and keeping up with all of their extracurricular activities. To make adding quick workout routines to your calendar easier, here are some tips for exercising with a busy schedule:

  • Multitask — One solution for fitting in quick workout routines is scheduling them during periods that would typically be considered “down time”. You can multitask by exercising while reading a book, watching a movie, waiting for dinner to come out of the oven or while the kids are playing. MaxiClimber is easy to set up in any area of the house and convenient to move around, so you can exercise wherever and whenever you can fit in quick workout routines.
  • Find Fitness Partners — Another essential tip for exercising with a busy schedule is to find fitness partners. Look for partners, family members or friends who are also looking for time to exercise and share child care duties. When you need to exercise, have your fitness partner watch your children, and return the favor when they need to get in a quick workout routine. You’ll also have someone to talk to about your fitness goals and challenges, which will help boost your motivation and hold you accountable over time. 
  • Choose Fun Exercise — Whenever you’re adding a new activity to your busy schedule, it needs to be worth the time it’s taking up. If you’re not going to enjoy it, you won’t make time for it and stick to it in the long-run. To prevent this from happening with your quick workout routines, it’s vital to choose fun exercise

MaxiClimber is a great solution when you’re looking for flexible and fun workouts.

The dynamic motion of the MaxiClimber vertical climber machine is based on the real-world activity of mountain climbing, providing a unique exercise experience that is sure to challenge and inspire you. 

With MaxiClimber’s custom routines and lightweight design, you’ll never be bored with your workouts. You can try countless different fitness combinations and exercise in any area of your house. Try working out on your back porch, patio or balcony to get in some fresh air as you exercise, or enjoy quick workout routines in convenient locations like your bedroom, the kitchen or the playroom. 

Choose MaxiClimber today to make adding quick workout routines to your busy schedule easy and enjoyable! 

Also you can visit Inova in Mexico if you are there. 

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