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MaxiClimber’s Guide to Full Body Workouts

Plenty of fitness trends make catchy headlines but don't offer the results to justify all of the hype. Exercise fads that go viral on social media, often promise more than they deliver. Even worse, trends like extreme crash diets and other unhealthy so-called weight loss "solutions" are dangerous. Approaching a new fitness activity with some skepticism is understandable. You may have wondered if full body workouts truly exercise your entire body like the name promises. Here's our guide to full body workouts, from their incredible benefits to how they engage each of the main muscle groups. Discover why full body workouts are the real deal, especially when you complete them with a climbing strength training machine from MaxiClimber.


What is a Full Body Workout?

There are two main factors that turn your fitness efforts into a full body workout. It really comes down to how many muscle groups are targeted and when they are activated. To earn the title of a "full body workout," an exercise needs to target all of the main muscle groups in the body. It also needs to do so in a single workout session. While you could isolate your upper body, lower body and core workouts throughout the week and say that you've exercised your entire body, you wouldn't have technically completed a full body workout. You're also missing out on the fantastic supercharged benefits of combining these workouts into one fat-blasting fitness session.

An Introduction to the Main Muscle Groups

To genuinely understand how effective full body workouts are at helping you reach your fitness goals, it's essential to know which areas of the body you are targeting with your exercise routine. Here is a brief overview of the main muscle groups you need to know about:
  • Arms — If you're a fan of upper body workouts, you're no stranger to exercising your arms. A full body workout should include arm engagement. Some key muscles in this group are the biceps and triceps in the upper arm and the deltoids in the shoulders.
  • Legs — Time spent on lower body workouts is often dedicated to targeting and sculpting the muscles in the legs. Some of the most important leg muscles are the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and calf muscles.
  • Chest — Full body workouts should also put muscles in the chest to work. The main muscles in the chest are the pectoral muscles, which you may have heard referred to in the fitness world as the pecs. There are two types of pec muscles: the pectoralis minor and the pectoralis major.
  • Back — The back is a significant body area that provides necessary stability and support. The rhomboid muscles (located at the top of the back) and the trapezius muscles (which stretch from the bottom of the neck down the back) are critical players in providing this support. Other important back muscles include the latissimus dorsi muscles (which stretch from the top to the bottom of the back) and the teres muscles (located in the shoulders).
  • Core — Like the back, the core is involved in vital functions, including maintaining stability and helping the body move properly. Several abdominal muscles make up this anatomical category, including the rectus abdominis and transversus abdominis. The oblique muscles are also found on either side of the abdomen.

How a Full Body Workout Engages Each Muscle Group

The ultimate test of a full body workout is whether or not it can effectively engage each of the muscle groups described above. Take a workout with MaxiClimber as an example. Here is how a full body workout with MaxiClimber works out these areas of the body:
  • Lower Body — When you place your feet onto the pedals of MaxiClimber's climbing strength training machine, you can be confident you're in for a great workout. MaxiClimber is meant to simulate a vertical climbing experience. As you climb your way through the exercise, all of the essential leg muscles in the lower body are engaged. You're sure to feel the burn that lets you know those muscles are getting sculpted with each movement.
  • Upper Body — During a MaxiClimber workout, you place each hand on comfortable foam grip handles and pump your arms up and down. A climbing strength training workout with MaxiClimber is based on the movements and intense physical demands of rock climbing. Your upper body will feel these telltale demands of climbing strength training just as much as your lower body.
  • Core — While your lower body and upper body are hard at work driving the movements of MaxiClimber's innovative machine, your core muscles will also be engaged during the workout. Once you've finished a MaxiClimber training, there's no doubt that every part of your body will feel the aftereffects.

Benefits of Full Body Workouts


When a new exercise trend starts to go viral and get featured in dozens of headlines, the coverage usually details many benefits that entice social media users to jump on the latest bandwagon. Full body workouts aren't like other types of flashy exercises because they have legitimate benefits to offer. Here are some of the most positive features that come along with adding full body workouts to your exercise routine:
  • Burn Calories and Tone Muscles — Full body workouts are known for their calorie-burning potential. When you choose a full body workout rather than smaller, separate workouts spaced out over time, you can burn more calories. MaxiClimber is an incredibly effective choice for burning calories and blasting away fat. MaxiClimber's climbing strength training workouts pair the power of cardio with fat-burning resistance training to effectively sculpt and tone your muscles.
  • Improve Strength — Another fitness benefit of full body workouts is improved strength. When you put your entire body to work in an intense exercise session, you'll see improvements in muscle strength and endurance. MaxiClimber's at-home exercise machines use your body weight as resistance, enhancing the strength-building capacity of full body workouts.
  • Fit in Your Busy ScheduleMaxiClimber can give you a full body workout in as little as 10 minutes a day. By targeting the upper body, lower body and core simultaneously, MaxiClimber makes full body workouts accessible no matter how busy you are.
  • Easy to Do at Home — MaxiClimber is the perfect fitness machine for your home workouts. MaxiClimber’s sleek and portable design allows you the freedom to switch up your workout location. Perhaps you are tired of the view in your home gym, and decide to move the MaxiClimber to the balcony to enjoy some fresh air. If you don't have a dedicated space for a gym and don't want to leave your MaxiClimber in your living room full-time, fold up the machine and place it in a closet or under the bed for easy storage.

Get the Best At-Home Full Body Workout with MaxiClimber

With MaxiClimber, full body workouts aren't just a someday trend. The workout routine of your dreams is an attainable reality. You'll never wonder if full body workouts are worth the hype again because you'll see firsthand results. MaxiClimber's climbing strength training workouts are enjoyable because they involve dynamic movements that simulate an exciting rock climbing experience — all while giving you the most effective workout of your life. Choose MaxiClimber today to get the results you deserve.

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