Health Fitness
Health & Fitness
best home gym equipmentbudget home gymcardio workout at homeCategory_Fitnessexercise equipment for small spacesfun exercise equipmenthome gym essentialsmini home gymSetting Up A Home Gymworkout routine

Setting Up A Home Gym In 5 Easy Steps
5 Steps to Setting Up A Home Gym You'll Love They say home is where your heart is. And we say the gym is where your sweat’s at. Who needs fancy gym memberships in 2021 when many of us grew...
20 minute workout5 minute stretchbudget home gymcardio workout at homeCategory_Workoutfull body workouthome mini gymintense workoutworkout routine

Benefits to a Cardio Workout At Home
The 5 Benefits of a Cardio Workout At Home When people think of living a healthy lifestyle, inevitably, they picture going to the gym regularly. But in modern-day society, sometimes that kind of schedule just doesn’t fit between work and...
5 minute stretchcalf stretchesCategory_Workoutdynamic stretchinghamstring stretchhip flexor stretchintense workoutslower back stretchesoverworked musclesstretching after workoutsstretching exercisesworkout routine

4 Ways Stretching After Workouts Improves Your Health
4 Reasons You Need to Be Stretching After Workouts Finding a workout routine that fits perfectly with your schedule can be difficult. Add the challenge of finding one perfectly tailored to your specific fitness needs and feeling hopeless. But really,...
cardio workoutCategory_FitnessCategory_MaxiClimber Lifestyle BlogCategory_Workoutfull body workouthiit 10 minuteshiit benefitshiit workoutsintense workoutstypes of workoutsworkout routine

Yes, 20-Minute Workouts with MaxiClimber Work We all know that you can’t cut any corners to get the results you want when it comes to fitness and health. But thanks to science, we now know that by switching up your...
Beginner's GuideBenefitsCardioCategory_Workout>Exercise IdeasExercise IdeasFeaturesLow-ImpactRoutineTipsworkout routine

5 Tips to Creating A Workout Routine That Lasts
5 Ways to Create and Maintain Your Workout Routine Ever make it through to the end of a hectic day and think, “Nah...I’ll hit that workout tomorrow”? It’s easy to let things like our full-body workout slide when we don’t...
bodybuildercardio workoutsCategory_Workout>Home Conditioningexercisefat lossfull body workout muscleobesityRoutineweight lossworkout routine

Get the Most Out of Your MaxiClimber Workout
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your MaxiClimber Workout Modern-day society is all about productivity. Whether it’s career, family, or fun-- everyone is trying to maximize their time and effort to reach peak results. Why should your workout...
Beginner's GuideBenefitsCardioCategory_FitnessCategory_WorkoutExercise IdeasFeaturesLow-ImpactRoutineTipsworkout routine

MaxiClimber is an incredible vertical exercise machine that combines weight resistance, aerobic exercise, cardio and calorie burning, and muscle toning. The result? A vertical climber workout unlike any other. MaxiClimber helps burn fat, build lean muscle tissue, and helps you...
Beginner's GuideBenefitsCardioCategory_WorkoutExercise IdeasFeaturesLow-ImpactRoutineTipsworkout routine

How to Get In Shape Without an Exercise Climber
How to Get In Shape Without an Exercise Climber If you don’t have climber exercise equipment, there are still plenty of ways to get in shape. If you don’t have any equipment, we’ll show you a few exercises to get...
Beginner's GuideBenefitsCardioCategory_FitnessCategory_MaxiClimber Lifestyle BlogExercise IdeasFeaturesLow-ImpactRoutineTipsworkout routine

I Have a Hard Time Dieting. What Can I Do?
For many people, “diet,” is a four-letter word, and not just in the literal sense. Just the thought of dieting can be discouraging, especially if you’ve had a hard time dieting in the past or haven’t had the success or...